Our Approach

Understand the Need
The child welfare system is profoundly overwhelmed and undersourced. There will never be enough reactive resources to meet the complex needs of children and families.
Many families are facing challenges that make them highly vulnerable to child welfare involvement and other negative outcomes.
Families both in and out of the child welfare system encounter substantial barriers to affordable, accessible, effective services.
Change the Approach
We seek to employ a holistic, proactive approach, eliminating the need for child welfare involvement or more extensive services.
Our primary goal is to equip caregivers to be leading agents of change or our families.
We utilize a year-long program that incorporates individual and family counseling, creative wellness classes, and extensive caregiver training and coaching.

Improve the Outcome
Stabilizing families in crisis, limiting placement disruption for children in foster care, and preventing adoption dissolution.
Improving child and adolescent mental health through insightful, attuned, compassionate caregiving.
Empowering caregivers to help their children flourish.
How You Can Help
We believe that when people are aware of the needs in the community, they will rise to the occasion of meeting those needs. We create opportunities for people to leverage who they are and what they have to serve vulnerable children and families in our community.